Mittwoch, 10. September 2008

The End of the World

Today is the first day of the end of the world. What makes me think of that? The following event: Today the Nuclear Research Centre in Geneva (CERN) is starting an experiment which results in a tiny little black hole.

Several scientists – namely some that are not working at the CERN – have addressed their conCERNs to the world that this experiment could very easily result in a black hole that could not be controlled and would eventually eat up Geneva, Switzerland and then the rest of the world. Therefore this experiment should not start – according to those scientists.

Now, the CERN is probably the absolute research centre when it comes to nuclear stuff. So if there is a bunch of scientists who can handle this it’s definitely the ones in Geneva. Therefore I don’t have any worries that we will be sucked into that black hole in Geneva this moooaaaaaaaahhhhhrrrgggg!!!

See you tomorrow in the next world.

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