Although I still have another meme pending I will do this as a quickie:
Two Names You Go By:
1. Mac
2. PFlight2000
Two Things You Are Wearing Right Now:
1. Sweatsuit (caught a flu...)
2. My beloved Tevas. ET once stated that I'dprobably wear them from April to October constantly...
Two Things You Would Want (or have) in a Relationship:
1. Respect
2. Humor (haven't been in a relationship for a long time, but I guess that would still be it)
Two of Your Favorite Things to do:
1. 'Flying' long haul flight on Flight Simulator
2. Cooking
Two Things You Want Very badly At the Moment:
1. Stronger medication - this flu is killing me!!!
2. Getting healthy on the spot
Two Things you did Last Night:
1. Having a very uneasy sleep with feverish dreams
2. Got really mad that again I catch a flu at the last day of my holiday - what will the bosses think...?
Two things you ate today:
1. A banana
2. Another banana
Last two people you talked to:
1. Mom - she popped in because she saw that the bicycle is still in the shed and that means I'm not at work
2. My brother
Two Things You're doing tomorrow:
1. Trying to get healthy
2. Brewing more linden-blossom tea
Two longest car rides:
1. To Würzburg and back in one day, getting my brothers first Bushtaxi (800km)
2. To Mendrisio and back in one day because the weather was to bad to stay longer (500km)
Two Favorite Beverages:
1. Earl Grey Tea with cream and sugar
2. Mineral water
Two Things About Me you may not have known:
1. Sometimes I try to imagine what it would be like to die - and who would REALLY miss me...?
2. I'm very afraid of turning fourty in two years.
Two jobs I have had in my life:
1. Liquidator for a bankrupped furniture shop
2. Messenger cyclist
Two Movies I would watch over and over:
1. Heat (NOT Andy Warhol's, the one with Pacino and De Niro!!!)
2. Ronin, because I like the actors, I like the plot, I like the car chases, but most of all because I have been to most places in the movie.
Places I have lived:
1. Switzerland
2. Scotland
Two of my Favorite Foods:
1. The ones that I cook
2. The ones I get in my favourite restaurant
Two places I'd rather be right now
1. Singapore - Chinese New Year is coming up next week!
2. At work to f***ing do my job!!!
Two people I think will respond:
1. No idea...
2. Even less ideas...
I’m not tagging anyone, but feel free to do it.