Some egg-heads once thought a couple of decades ago that you might save some energy by setting all clocks forward one hour in spring just to set them backwards again in autumn. Normally these time-jumps result in rising accident-rates the day after the collective clock-setting, but no-one has ever been able to count the saved energy.
Another funny thing about time is that we don’t seem to have the same time all over the world. In Zurich it might be 9 in the morning when I pour my second cup of tea at work, while in Vancouver people are just laying down for sleep. Or in Singapore the masses are heading home from their job.
But now scientists in Switzerland have come up with an idea to really save energy by re-setting the clock. Energy that’s uselessly wasted for calculations concerning different time-zones. The thought was: Why can’t Switzerland being the country with the most accurate watches and clocks be the zero-point of time?

And now this: Our beloved federal government has decided to connect Switzerland to Greenwich Main Time! In order to avoid
another wave of accidents this time-switch will take effect on Easter Sunday, since Monday is public holiday in Switzerland. What seems to be a rash decision was actually planned for a long time. Just to give you an example: Microsoft has already announced that there will be updates for both Windows XP and Vista, where the Swiss capital Bern is mentioned along with Dublin, Edinburgh, Lisbon and London. And of course these updates will be available from Sunday, 8 April, in all four languages of Switzerland – German, French, Italian and for Vista also in Rumantsch – and in English.

Good for all Easter Bunnies in Switzerland: They can sleep one hour longer this year before they have to hide all the Easter Eggs.
3 Kommentare:
I think that is an excellent idea! It will be strange to switch again so soon but having it on a holiday weekend like you say will hopefully save a few accidents. Speaking of Pink Floyd... ET and I are going to see Roger Waters on June 21st in Vancouver... yay! They play the entire Dark Side of the Moon and then some of Rogers solo work, it should hopefully be a great concert.
Hey Pascal - this is such a cool post..
Now if I understood this correctly, right now you are 9 hrs ahead of us. But come Easter Sunday, you will fall back one hr, being only 8 hrs ahead of Vancouver time? And in the center of Greenwich Main Time?
At any rate, I'll share with you my favorite photo from Switzerland as of late...
Yep, something in that direction. Looking forward to it...
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