Montag, 10. November 2008

Happy time

Finally the stress of the past 2 1/2 months is over, and I have 2 weeks to recover. The initial plan was to have 2 weeks vacation on my own and maybe with my brother who planned to go to Africa for a while. But plans can change, and so did this.

First: My brother went yesterday, and not only for a while, but for at least 18 months, probably even 2 years. Read his blog - if you can read in German...

Second, my dear friend Natasha is staying in Germany for three months, and we eventually made plans for her to come over for a couple of days - which happened today! I'm so extremely excited!!!!

2 Kommentare:

Unknown hat gesagt…

hey - Great to hear you are resting and having a vacation again. I'm dreaming of having time off to photograph (with a better camera) but we shall see when that happens...

PFlight2000 hat gesagt…

You got a job?